Cultural Emergence germinated in 2016. It has evolved and grown through the collaboration and involvement of many people. The new book and this website would not have come into being without the emergence that happens in relationship.
Below is the start of an appreciation and celebration of the many people involved. The wise wording of all these collaborators has been integral for the naming and framing of Cultural Emergence.
Cultural Emergence continues to grow in effectiveness with an emerging network of global Cultural Emergence Facilitators. Before long their stories and offerings will be shared here.
Jon Young
Jon Young is the founder of the 8 Shields Institute. He is an acknowledged expert on mentoring especially with respect to deep nature connection and culture. Jon was mentored himself by numerous Native Elders from traditional cultures of Europe, Africa and North America. He is also an inspirational storyteller who has been invited all over the planet to share his vision of a truly regenerative and peaceful world. Jon is author of What the Robin Knows, and co-author of Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature. .
Jon and Looby have been collaborating since 2016. They have been working together to emerge new tools and wisdom with the Cultural Emergence toolkit. Looby also mentored the 8 Shields Institute in design. Jon and Looby have taught many courses together including Cultural Emergence Leadership Training, an online Cultural Emergence Design course and both the Activating Cultural Emergence (ACE) and Peace Empowerment And Cultural Emergence (PEACE) courses.
We long for the knowing that we are all related, and that we are all valued and seen, and that we are all able to contribute in a meaningful way. In using the tools of Cultural Emergence, we can bring the world to a better, more peaceful and regenerative place.
Maddy Harland
Maddy Harland is a pioneer of permaculture and regenerative practices. She co-founded publishing company, Permanent Publications, in 1990 and Permaculture Magazine in 1992. She is the author of Fertile Edges – regenerating land, culture and hope and The Biotime Log.
Maddy also co-founded The Sustainability Centre in Hampshire and is a trustee of Common Earth, a non profit regenerative development programme working with the 54 Commonwealth nations to develop projects that are social, cultural, environmental, and economic regenerative and scalable.
Maddy is editor of Cultural Emergence and Looby and her have been collaborating with the publishing of Looby’s books and articles for many years. Their friendship and collaboration has also involved co-facilitating together. Looby and Maddy have run several empowering women with permaculture courses as well as Cultural Emergence courses.
Starhawk is the author of The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups and 11 other books. She brings more than forty years of experience with horizontal, co-creative organizing, facilitating, and teaching. This is a lifetime of experiences, sometimes wonderful, sometimes horrific! Her special interests are in working across the lines of diversity, and in helping groups learn the communication tools and interpersonal skills to navigate conflict.
Starhawk co-facilitated a Social Permaculture course with Looby for the International Permaculture Convergence in 2015. They have worked together since then co-facilitating the Activating Cultural Emergence (ACE) and Peace Empowerment And Cultural Emerence (PEACE) courses.