The Mother Nature Project

Open to Emergence card
Colourful women in a circle with energy flowing from them
Embrace feminine power card
Care for the Earth principle - hand holding ferns and a bird
Care for the Earth card

About The Mother Nature Project

While researching and developing the Cultural Emergence toolkit, Looby was also a partner in the Mother Nature project. There has been an emergence and co-creation between the two. It has been an intertwined process of working collaboratively as a group and developing both Cultural Emergence principles and empowering principles for mothers.

Motherhood is a time of growth, challenges, wonder and transformation. This particular time globally is making it even more challenging to be a mother. One must navigate the huge cultural and global shifts happening, while supporting our children who may be off school and at home. The hope is that these Mother Nature principles that have been developed from collective wisdom can be a nourishing support during these extraordinary times.

Mother Nature Project Partners

The Mother Nature project is a partnership between 4 European organisations:
Pandora association - Hungary, Paradiso Ritrovato - Italy, Preplet - Slovenia, Casa del Cuculo - Italy plus The Permaculture Association - UK, The project is funded by grants from the European Union through the Erasmus + programme. Working on the project for the Permaculture Association are Looby since it started in 2018 and Emma Gorbutt who joined her in 2021.

Mother Nature Project 1 2017-2020

"Empowering Mothers in their personal transformation" . During the 1st project the group created tools to empower and support mothers and has produced a beautiful and inspirational Guidebook and Card Deck. The project was Co-Funded by European Union Erasmus+ Fund. 

Mother Nature Project 2 2021-2023

"Empowering mothers as agents of change toward environmental sustainability in a digital era" This 2nd project is also funded by the Erasmus. Mothers are increasingly aware of the looming climate crisis and are fearful of the world for their children. This project aims to create and share learning tools, including digital tools and resources to support mothers in becoming agents of change in their families and communities: in being proactive with strategies to initiate thinking, behavioural and cultural changes in tackling climate change.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Latest news from Mother Nature Project

Developed in Project 2
Mother Nature Project 2 
The funding from Erasmus for our second project ended in November 2023. 
And we are still working away on the Mother Nature Project Across Europe!
Here is a list of all that is now available and taking place and do read on to find out more or visit the Mother Nature website here
Courses and Events in 2024/25
* Mother Nature Circles Connection Call - recording below
*Mothers As Natural Leaders Course - 5-6 April 2025 UK click here to find out more. Super Early Bird Offer end 30/11/24
*Online course Leading Mother Nature Circles enrolments close 12/10/24- click here to find out more
FREE resources 
*Mothers As Natural Leaders Book - click here to find out more
*Mother Nature Podcast - series 1,2 & 3  click here to find out more
*Mother Nature Leadership Deck- click here to find out more

Recording of the Mothers As Natural Leaders Inspiration Call


Mothers As Natural Leaders Course

5th-6th April 2025 - In Person

Super Early Bird offer ends 30/11/2024

Mothers As Natural Leaders course 5-6 April 2025
2025 dates 

5th-6th April  - Facilitated by Looby Macnamara and Emma Gorbutt at Applewood Permaculture Centre. 

This course guides women through a nourishing reflective process. We explore what leadership means to us as mothers; leadership of ourselves, our families, in our community and in the wider world. 

We will look at how to maintain the balance of our responsibilities whilst being available as change makers on a small and large scale. We will also explore how nature connection and self care can nurture us in our roles as mothers and leaders. 

LIVE Leading Mother Nature Circles Course

Enrolments Close 12/10/2024
Developed in Project 2
Live Leading Mother Nature Circles Course Flyer


Online Course

Enrolments close 12/10/2024 

After this the next course will  be March 2025

Hosted by  Emma Gorbutt

Learn to lead a Mother Nature Circle using the Mother Nature Cards to become an accredited Mother Nature Circle Facilitator

A combination of pre recorded videos from the Mother Nature Team and activities to do in a course handout plus a connection space, PLUS 4 x 2 hr LIVE calls with Emma where you can practice leading circles, ask questions and connect with others on the course

Mothers As Natural Leaders Book

Developed in Project 2
mothers as natural leaders book

If you would like to get a copy, all you need to do is sign up to the Mother Nature Newsletter and you get the link to download it. 

The Authors: Looby Macnamara (UK). Jana Lemke (Germany) , Ági Berecz (Hungary), Sara Galeotti (Italy) and  Emma Gorbutt (UK) 

"We wrote this book to empower mothers to discover the transferable skills gained through mothering, and to reclaim their power to be leaders. To find their own ways of transforming their families, communities, and through that our Earth. Moving towards regenerative ways of living, by consciously being a new kind of leader that the world needs."

Emma Gorbutt:

Mothers as Natural Leaders Book (2023)

Mother Nature Podcast

Developed in Project 2
mother nature podcast

The Mother Nature Podcasts was  launched in 2022 and features our very own Looby Macnamara!

Season 1 to 3 are available and  will navigate you through the transformative journey of motherhood.

Click here find out more about the podcast

Mother Nature Leadership DECK

Developed in Project 2
mother nature leadership deck single card

This brand new card deck was developed in the next second Mother Nature Project funded by Erasmus +. The card deck images were painted by Eszter László and text developed by her, Ági Berecz and the Mother Nature Team. Find out more below.

We are considering printing it in 2024. If you interested in getting a printed copy please email For now you can click below to download a PDF version.

The card deck is accompanied by an excellent Guidebook for the Mother Nature Leadership Card Deck written by Ági Berecz from the Hungarian, Mother Nature Team which explores the themes of each of the 32 cards.

Keep In Touch


If you want to connect with other mothers using the Mother Nature card deck, guide book and keep up to date with what we have coming up you can join our Facebook group.

The Mother Nature Project also has a regular newsletter keeping you up updated on the Podcast and the rest of the project

Mother Nature Guide Book

Developed in Project 1

This collection of 42 principles will nourish and empower you on your journey through motherhood. They are affirmations helping you to be present, aware and reflective. This guidebook can be daily inspiration, support in difficult moments and a tool for bonding with other women. The aim is to use these principles to emerge regenerative cultures as mothers, where you value your gifts, reframe challenges and connect with nature and other mothers.

To support you in understanding and embodying the principles, each card is accompanied by a beautiful image, inspiring text, reflective questions and activity. They are elixirs, a-ha moments, distillations of the joys, struggles, challenges and learnings. The principles were evolved from a co-creative process involving the first hand experience and collective wisdom of the Mother Nature team and hundreds of mothers across Europe.

Included is guidance for running Mother Nature circles, to enable you to create your own circle of support and connection with other women. This guidebook is in gratitude for mothers everywhere as creators, teachers, nurturers and leaders. May the power of the Mother Nature principles guide you on your path.

“I received my marvellous mother’s guidebook today. Thank you! It seems this magical universe is sending me just what I need when I need it. ???????? The page I opened to read and reflect on today was just perfect ???????? Wanted to send so much gratitude to you and all the wonderfully creative and wise women who crafted, conspired and collaborated so that I could receive such benefit and blessing today. ” 


Mother Nature Card Deck

exploring the journey of motherhood

Developed in Project 1

Motherhood is a time of joy, challenges, growth and transformation. The Mother Nature cards will guide, nourish and empower you.

Filled with heartwarming, enchanting, powerful images to engage your intuition and innate wisdom. They are combined with 42 concise, relevant principles and affirmations that have been harvested from the collective intelligence and experience of many mothers. See a sample of the cards here